Wheel prior to and after applied Radial Arc Recast Overlay process

radial recast of outer drum. rebuilt refurbished with revers radial landfill compactor teeth
Radial Recast 836 Outer Drum Resurfacing Rebuilt Wheel W/Reverse Radial Teeth. Recycle worn outer drums instead of scrapping as a cost effective energy efficient environmentally friendly option that reduces labor/material burden. Substantially Increases drum wear-life for unlimited cheaper re-tipping of wheels for total machine life compared to much higher priced new outer drum replacements   
Outer/Inner edge Resurfacing via "Radial-Arc-Overlay" eliminates rolled edge kits and the industry standard of "3/4" or thicker edges to qualify for cheaper re-tipping of outer drums, forcing you to pay much more for new outer drum removal and replacement. Arc fusion of outer drum surfaces with new metal onto areas worn away from rotational friction over time is a common sense solution designed to last
recleat rebuild swing exchange cat 815 826 836 wheel. outer edge resurfacing twist torque teeth
836 G/H Recleat Swing-X-Change W/Twist Teeth and outer edge Resurfacing W/dual pass hard-faced outer edge
815 and 825 soil compactor wheel rebuild, cladding, overlay, radial arc overlay, radial recastl
825 Soil Compactor Wheel Resurfaced drum cleaner bar area with Radial-Arc-Overlay and hard-faced new soil tips
landfill compactor wheel, steel wheel, rebuilt exchange
  • Radial-Arc-Overlay
  • Split-Drum-Reversal
  • Total Width Radial Recast drum cladding back to original OEM Spec or greater 
  • Several Replacement Tooth Options
  • Recleat Exchange/Repair
  • Rebuilt Exchange - New Outer Drums
  • New Wheels
  • Custom Fabricated Wheel Designs
815 and 825 soil compactor wheel
  • New wheels/Repair/Full rebuilding and resurfacing
  • Pad/Pedestal removal and replacement
  • Hard facing of pads/wheel edges
  • Radial cleaner bar area abrasion resistant hard-facing resurfacing
  • Custom built wheel designs
wire guard rolling wire guard wire wall
  • 2", 1.5" & 1" Thick A.R. 400, 450, 500
  • custom Hard-facing
  • Dozer Blade cladding/Hard-Surfacing and Complete Refurbishing/Rebuild
  • Machine guarding and cleaner bars
tipper wheel w/grouser bars
steel tipper wheels w/dual sidewalls
padded pony wheel
We build custom diameter/designed Transport and service Pony wheels with patented Chevron Rubber pads, Steel Tipper Wheels w/grouser bars and irrigation pivot Wheels
Radial-Arc / Radial Recast / Split Drum Reversal also protected by U.S. patent
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